Jai Shree Mataji !!!
You need to login in order to use special functionlities like adding / editing centers. You can see login button in menu.
After clicking on this button you can see login Page.
If you aren't registered on this website then you need to register first. Click on orange register button
to do so.
You can register here. Please fill all the information properly. You Contact information will help us in verifying centers added / edited by you.
This section is reserved for Admin's & Moderators
On this section, admin can see all Center Requests, edit them if necessary and authenticate the request to make those changes live.
If you are lookinga after the center's for a country or state, you can request for access on Contact form.
Like normal user's, Moderator's can raise Add/Edit/Delete Requests.
Moderator will be verifying the authenticity of information provided and mark them as Verified / Rejected. Admin's can take decision of Authenticating the Requests based on Moderator remarks.
If you need any other help, kindly drop us a mail on info@sycenters.org or fill Contact form.
Jai Shree Mataji !!!